Are you surviving by over-riding?

Irene Lyon
Jun 24, 2021


Overriding means going past that internal gauge inside of you that is saying take a break, pause, recharge. Do you do this?

For many of us, we don’t even know how to listen to this internal compass because we’ve been living in survival physiology from our conception (and maybe even before that via our ancestors).

Quite the doozy. I know.

This is the plight of our agricultural, industrial, and now technological revolutions — but WE can change it. Doesn’t mean getting rid of what has already occurred, but more learning from our past in a way that makes the future BETTER. It takes awareness, education, and practice.

Learn more about Irene Lyon and her work here:



Irene Lyon

Nervous System Expert & Somatic Practitioner. Somatic Experiencing, Feldenkrais, Biomedical Science. More @